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Medicinal Healing Plants of Spitskop - Sutherlandia Frutescens /Lerumo La Madi
We Walk Lightly on the Earth
The plant has more than 25 recorded names - Many of its names refer to the important medicinal use, such as kankerbos (cancer bush; Afrikaans), insiswa (dispels darkness; Zulu), phetola (to change; Tswana), and lerumo lamadi (spear of the blood; North Sotho).
Medicinal Healing Plants of Spitskop - Helichrysum /Imphepho.
We Walk Lightly on the Earth.
Common names: imphepho, everlasting (English); kooigoed (Afrikaans).
Botanical name: Helichrysum
Herbal traditions: Cape Herbal Medicine, Khoi & San
Plant parts used: above ground parts, flowers, leaves, stems.
15.16 December 2023 - Listen to the Music of the Plants - A Celebration of Golden Helichrysum/Imphepho.
Come and enter the World of the Bamboo M - and listen to the music of the Plants. Are you passionate about native plants - good healthy organic food - Yoga?
Have you listened to the sound of a Helichrysum Plant singing?
Eastern Free State Highlands Getaway - We Walk Lightly on the Earth
Why we are Special – and different – and a MUST VISIT.
20 years of Wilding - there has been no poisons, sprays, chemical fertlizers - no destructive tilling - and wild & native healing plants proliferate - there are bees and butterflies & the carbon is sequestered beneath our feet.
WildFields Apothecary - Helichrysum & Rosemary Hair & Scalp Treatment
Treatment for scalp and to strengthen hair – have beautiful glossy hair - Virgin Olive Oil - Helichrysum & Rosemary Infused Oils..
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