Blog - Page 2

A Remembering - A Celebration of Golden Helichrysum - Music of the Plants - 15.16. December 2023.

Posted on Thu January 11, 2024.

A weekend of much joy and beauty – of great vast silences – of singing and dancing – a celebration of one of earth’s magnificent healing plants - beautiful vegetarian food - the beating of the drum – a magical clearing Fire Ceremony - sunrise Yoga high in the mountain - a celebration of friendship and the meeting of kindred spirits.

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Amohela ho Spitskop Country Retreat - THEN & NOW

Posted on Wed January 10, 2024.

In 2002 when Allen and I returned to this small farm and that wonderful mountain, we were aghast at the destruction that over farming and present day farming methods had done. It was a quiet sad place, in the evenings sitting outside on what was then a crumbling “veranda” the nights were still, no crickets, no frogs, just……silence….and uncomfortable nothingness kind of stillness.

And so the healing began.

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Helichrysum/Imphepho Smudge Body Wands - How to Use.

Posted on Thu January 4, 2024.

A Place of Great Healing- We Walk Lightly on the Earth
We are passionate advocates of native plants – our mission is to promote communal understanding and use of native and medicinal plants of the Eastern Free State – we are dedicated to the conservation of native and medicinal plants and the natural habitats that support these culturally and ecologically significant species.

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The Best Birding Getaway in the Eastern Free State

Posted on Wed November 29, 2023.

For birders this is a paradise – we have a Checklist of some 250 species. Many resident – some summer visitors – but the birding on Spitskop is a joy all year round.

For birding groups and Bird Clubs we offer a really super discount – booked directly with us.

Twenty years of dedicated REWILDING has transformed a once neglected landscape into a thriving haven for nature and humans alike.

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Medicinal Healing Plants of Spitskop - Bulbine Narcissifolia/Khomoyabadisa

Posted on Sun September 24, 2023.

We Walk Lightly on the Earth.

Bulbine species has many common names used by traditional healers and indigenous people. In Sotho, it is referred to as Khomo-ya-Ntsuammele, Sehlare-sapekane, Sehlare and in Xhosa and Zulu, it is referred to as Intelezi, Ishaladi lenyoka. In Northern Sotho it is know as Kgomoyabadisa.

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