Blog - Page 11

The Best Birding Getaway in the Eastern Free State

Posted on Sat May 12, 2018.

These boots are made for Walking - the iconic Secretary Bird.

They are unique to Africa, and no other bird of prey looks or hunts like they do, purposefully striding across the veld in search of prey - insects,rats and mice, small birds and reptiles especially snakes, hence the name "serpentarius" With large strides they rapidly cover vast areas of grassland, when they do find something there is a flurry of excitement and activity, much stomping with wings raised and then the moment of success.

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Whoo Whoo---doesn't love Owls ??

Posted on Tue April 24, 2018.

A wise old owl sat on an oak
The more he saw the less he spoke
The less he spoke the more he heard
Why aren't we like that wise old bird ?

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Autumn and Mist and diamond studded webs.

Posted on Fri April 6, 2018.

Waking in the morning to a deep beautifully enveloping silence and you KNOW …its MISTY. Standing on your deck, cup of coffee in hand, tucked up against the slight chill of an awesome Autumn morning in the Highlands. Swirling around you thick mist filled with glowing light and tasting like champagne on your lips, and just for this brief moment in time…..the world has gone away.

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What a difference some rain makes ....

Posted on Sat March 10, 2018.

After rain there is an explosion of wild flowers here at the Amohela ho Spitskop Conservancy and our grasslands become a patchwork of colours as pockets of blue and yellow and white and pink suddenly appear.
This becomes a wonderland as a myriad insects, bees, butterflies and birds pollinate and feast on Nature's abundant table.

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SUNflowers-COME follow the SUN.

Posted on Wed February 28, 2018.

22.5 Million. That's the number of Sunflowers smiling at Spitskop today.!!

When the rains finally came in early 2018, farmers needed a short season fast growing crop, SUNFLOWERS, millions of plants, this may not EVER happen quite like this again - you will never forget it !

We would love to share this experience with you, this one moment in time when this kind of spectacle of golden beauty surrounds us.

This miracle of colour lasts for just a few short weeks - so don’t delay, book soon.

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