When successfully captured, fogbow images can evoke a sense of awe and mystery. The ethereal white bow, surrounded by a misty backdrop, creates a hauntingly beautiful scene that showcases the wonders of nature.
Medicinal Healing Plants of Spitskop - Helichrysum /Imphepho.
We Walk Lightly on the Earth.
Common names: imphepho, everlasting (English); kooigoed (Afrikaans).
Botanical name: Helichrysum
Herbal traditions: Cape Herbal Medicine, Khoi & San
Plant parts used: above ground parts, flowers, leaves, stems.
Over the past 20 years - on the previously heavily ploughed - chemically fertilized - sprayed with herbicides - insecticides - sad damaged soil - we embarked on a journey of healing and restoration - over two decades our commitment to REWILDING has revitalised the land, bringing back the native plants, flourishing habitats, and a renewed sense of vitality.
We have watched the land - slowly heal - washed clean by the rain and kissed by the sun. In small areas we saw with joy - some wonderful grey plants - the magnificent healing plant - helichrysum - bravely emerging - we have for 20 years carefully selectively wild seeded some 10 hectares of helichrysum - now fields of gold in the summer months.
We can forage and wild harvest all parts of these magical medicinal healers - to make infused oils - teas - bath salts - hand and body lotions - wonderful healing body wands ( smudge sticks)
Helichrysum - Infused Oils - We harvest the fresh plants throughout the summer season but especially in flowering season - which ranges from December through to end January. Carefully washed and hung overnight to dry - the selected fronds are steamed in organic olive oil for 3 hours - then strained through muslin cloth and bottled for some 2/3 weeks- when the oils are again strained and come up magnificently clear.
We have noted that there seems to be a great shortage of these infused oils on the market - helichrysum essential oils are to be found at shops and online - but these gentle healing oils are very difficult to source. Just three drops on the face and 3 drops on the neck at night - the difference after a month of use is marked. So lovely to soften and ease the skin - but simply wonderful for skin lesions of any sort - psoriasis sores- scars - eases wrinkles and lines - eases out dark marks. On hands and arms - wonderful for scars - light skin cancers. A nightly body treatment is sublime and there is a marked improvement in skin quality after just one month of use.
Helichrysum Infused Oil sold in 100ml bottles. Price on Application.
Helichrysum teas - Flower Tea is very special as we can only harvest for some 6 weeks - Leaf Tea - which can be harvested and dried for fragrant teas for most of the year -
Sold in glass bottles - Price on Application.
Beautiful fragrant Bath Salts - made from raw desert salt - magnesium - helichrysum - geranium essential oils - and much love - perfect before bed as this magical plant is Antifungal - Anti-inflammatory - Antispasmodic - and a wonderful sedative for great sleep.
Sold in Glass Bottles - Price on Application.
We also make hand and body lotions - and are working on may more products.
- There has been - over the last years - much scientific study done on this important plant - listed are some of the scientific results of studies completed.
Khoi and San anointed their bodies for the fragrance and anti-microbial benefits.
Safety & Toxicity
Safety: no safety concerns• No known safety concerns
Qualities & Phytochemistry
Plant qualities:
Phytochemical constituents: caryophyllene, cineole, curcumene, flavonoids, humulene, limonene, menthone pinene, pulegone
Actions & Pharmacology
Antifungal -Anti-inflammatory -Antispasmodic
● Muscle relaxant - Relaxant, Sedative
• GABAergic
Analgesic- Anodyne -Antipyretic - Insect repellent
Protection - Communing with Ancestors
Plant preparations: ash, balm, bath, compress, decoction, essential oil, fresh, fumigant, infusion - aqueous, infusion - milk, infusion - vegetable oil, nasal rinse, ointment, pillow, poultice, smoke, smudge, wash
Plant Parts Used
• Fresh - Dried leaves – Stems - Flowers.
• Fresh leaf
• Infusion – water - Infusion – milk - Infusion – oil
• Decoction – (can also be used as a nasal flush for calming)
• Volatile oil
• Wash – Bath – Poultice - Compress
• Ash - Balm - Ointments
• Smoke - Smudge – Fumigant - Pillow
First-aid use: acne, anxiety, arthritis, asthma, backache, boils, burns, colds & 'flu, cough, fever, headache, hyperactive, indigestion, insomnia, menstrual cramps, scars, strains & sprains, stress, wounds
• Wounds - Acne - Boils - Scars - Burns
• Digestive problems
Respiratory - Coughs - Cold and ‘flu - Asthma - Fever
• Trauma – Backache - Muscle tension - Arthritis
• Menstrual cramps
• Stress - Headache - Anxiety - Insomnia - Over-excitement
Medical use:
• Diabetes - Bronchitis - Hypertension - Urinary tract infections - Heart conditions
Uses & Benefits: aromatic, bedding, bees, butterflies, cosmetics, flower arranging, fragrance, incense, insect repellent, medicine, pot plant, potpourri, smoke, tea
• Ritual incense – used across different cultures of the country as an incense to evoke the goodwill of ancestors; invokes an ancestral connection; appease the ancestors
• Space Clearing – burnt inside houses to protect it from evil spirits, clear spaces of negative energy
• Fumigate – sick rooms
• Perfume
• Insect repellent
• Bedding – soft and repels bed bugs, lice, mosquitoes, and other insects
Our Vision – Entrepreneurship – to grow the business – expand in the local economy- create jobs and more jobs – providing secure employment – ongoing training and skills development within the arena of our wild heritage – the indigenous and native plants that sustain and heal us and the planet.
Further Reading
The Apothecary lies within the 164 hectare Amohela ho Spitskop Country Retreat & Conservancy – known locally as Spitskop – or in Sotho – Petsana ( The Small Foal). And here you step into the enchanting world of WildFields, where 20 years of dedicated REWILDING has transformed a once neglected landscape into a thriving haven for nature and humans alike.
Responsible Sustainable TOURISM – all about animals and Other Stuff - We Walk Lightly on the Earth. The central portion of the property is made up of some 66 hectares of Green Mountain Reserve plus some 16.60 hectares of grassland which surrounds the 5 self catering cottages. There are three family self catering cottages and 2 romantic cottages for just two people.
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