The BEST Getaway for Cherry Foraging in the Eastern Free State.

Posted by Jennifer on Sun October 6, 2019.

PIP PIP HOORAY Cherry Seasons on its way.

There simply cannot be anything more luscious than fresh succulent cherries, and the very best cherries in South Africa are grown in the Ficksburg/Clocolan districts not far from Amohela ho Spitskop.

THE VERY BEST TIME to go foraging for OUT of the very busy crowded Cherry Festival Weekend. Top quality cherries and cherry products are available within a 15 minute drive from Amohela ho Spitskop where a unique range of products made from cherries is produced, and a tasting room for liqueurs and wines is found.

The beginning of the Cherry Season here in the Highlands starts around the last week in October and carries through to the beginning to mid December, when fresh green asparagus can also be purchased in great green punnets of yumminess.

Weekends end October through to mid December is an AMAZING TIME  to visit the Eastern Free State, with boxes and boxes and boxes of the yummiest fresh cherries to be bought, cherry products, bottles of maraschino cherries, cherry jam in port wine, the cherry list is endless.  

Locally there are wonderful places where there are interesting shops, good lunches and breakfasts to be had in lovely surroundings with safe play areas for children. Fresh green asparagus punnets can be purchased at really good prices. 

In or out of the festival dates, Amohela ho Spitskop Country Retreat & Conservancy is the ideal and perfect getaway.

After a fun day of noise and people and events, its just so special to come back to Amohela and relax on the deck-with-a-view, braai on the covered deck or patio whilst a beautiful evening of stargazing lies ahead.

For those who can visit during the weekdays, most venues are open seven days a week and every weekend.

The VERY BEST of cherry season is of course time spent at Amohela, the quiet, the vast views, the privacy and seclusion, cycling, walking, climbing the mountain, swimming, birding, or simply reading a book whilst soaking up the immense HUGENESS of this beautiful valley.


Further Reading

WildFields Apothecary - A Place of Great Healing

Here at WildFields there has been twenty years of Wilding - no use of chemical fertilizers, poisons, rodenticides or destructive tilling, and the Wilded Estate is filled with wild and native plants, wild flowers, wild pollinators, bees everywhere, and magic fills the air - we can now forage and wild harvest and have started a range of healing and soothing products, which are available to purchase, both locally and online.

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