• A mystical ethereal Fogbow at Amohela ho Spitskop Country Retreat in the Eastern Highlands of the Free State.

This extraordinary beautiful experience - Have you seen a Fogbow?

Posted on Mon June 3, 2024.

When successfully captured, fogbow images can evoke a sense of awe and mystery. The ethereal white bow, surrounded by a misty backdrop, creates a hauntingly beautiful scene that showcases the wonders of nature.

An Extraordinary beautiful Experience – Have you seen a FogBow?

A while back - Allen, who goes NOWHERE without a camera – burst into the office and said he had just taken an incredible picture of what he called A MISTBOW – OVER SPITSKOP – and showed me this beautiful strange photograph of a ghostly white bow in the mist - over EarthStone Cottages.

Research told us that FogBows are rare and beautiful occurrences – and when conditions are just right, a mesmerizing phenomenon known as a fogbow can appear in the sky - To witness a fogbow, you need to be in the right place at the right time.

From misty mountaintops to coastal areas engulfed in fog, these ghostly white bows have been documented in different landscapes. Some notable locations for witnessing fogbows include Scotland, Ireland, coastal regions of California, and the foggy valleys of New Zealand.


Photographing a fogbow can be challenging due to its subtle appearance and the need for specific atmospheric conditions.

However, when successfully captured, fogbow images can evoke a sense of awe and mystery. The ethereal white bow, surrounded by a misty backdrop, creates a hauntingly beautiful scene that showcases the wonders of nature.

We have many enchanting misty mornings here in this beautiful valley – and when you awaken you know the morning is misty – for there is a certain kind of quietness – when even the birds seem to talk softly.

That special way the mist hovers over our very beautiful valley, creating an ethereal atmosphere where trees and houses seem to loom out of the mist – captivating us in a world that seems to be just us – and the rest of the world has melted away – where you can embrace the ever changing shifting shadows of fog and light all to yourself.

My first fogbow was a lovely experience – when Al said – there it is - at first I looked and looked – and saw – just mist.
Then my eye caught this magical soaring white bow on the side of Spitskop and I was - entranced. I think fogbows are just beautiful and it was absolutely incredible to see because they are such a rarity.
I know now to look for them on the edge of the fog, so when the fog is just starting to lift, or you get to the edge of a fog patch and the sun can come through.

Our cottages sit quietly in the rural surroundings of the Eastern Highlands – with the golden luminous light that fills the air this time of the year – with huge fires and huge glass windows and doors that allow the magnificent views – the golden colours of winter - to fill the rooms and fill your senses - big comfy duvets and fluffy thick winter sheets – those wonderful hot water bottles from yesteryear - on our king size beds heated blankets.

It does not get better than this – for here we walk lightly on the earth.